Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Quest 1& 2: 7 and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners

I completed this quest on yesterday evening; however, I am just now making a post. That in itself was an learning adventure. You see, I didn't realize that each time you make a new post you have to go to to do it. Dumb silly me, I know? Am I a lifelong learner? How about lifelong catcher-upper! LOL! I think that the easiest habit to achieve will be for me to "begin with the end in mind". I am a long-term thinker and keeping my eyes on the prize will be my daily motivation. Keeping the "end in sight" will keep me motivated to complete this adventure. The hardest habit for me will be "using technology to my advantage". Right now, I know that there are probably easier ways to do all of these things that we are learning. Sometimes I have to take the long way to actually catch on and get the point. I'm sure after "learning the hard way" I will discover how to "use technology to my advantage" and actually complete these processes in a quick, more efficient manner.

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