Sunday, October 21, 2007

Quest 6 - Part 1 :

I liked learning about I even ended up creating an account and I pulled some articles on librarians and I saved some websites that visit regularly. It will be nice and convenient to have all of this information all together and accessible from any computer just by me logging into my account. Great service! I've already linked five sites to my account. I have more to add. They were Gospelflava (one of my favorite music sites), Techtreks 2.0 (for obvious reasons), two sites on Librarianship and the future for librarians with all of this evolving technology (we have got to stay in the "know" so we will be ready to defend our professional careers), and finally (another music site I visit regularly--can you tell that I love music). I'll probably be adding the site Pandora real soon. This is another music site. I mentioned it in the last blog entry. I think that this is the quest that has really impressed me the most thus far. It is also an account that I will use after the course is over. I did look at PLCMCL2 but the information was from 2006. Not saying that it wouldn't be revelant today but I just wanted to explore some current things that people are looking at and discussing so I performed several subject searches while inside my Del.icio. us account.

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