Thursday, November 1, 2007

Quest 12: Part One - You Tube

I enjoy visiting You Tube. I've mostly used it to see things that I missed seeing on television or things that I can't see because I don't have cable television. I know, I know, I'm like the only person on earth without it! LOL! Anyway, when I hear about these infamous musical performances that occurred on these awards shows (think Britney Spears at the MTV awards), I can usually go to You Tube and find it. Remember when Beyonce' fell on stage or the now historical duet performance of original Dreamgirl Jennifer Holliday and Jennifer Hudson (from the movie) on the Bet Awards? I was able to see on You Tube. There are a lot of hilarious jokes and videos of bloopers that are on this site as well. I recall being able to show my mother who is a big Tyler Perry fan some rare clips of him in character as Madea. Found them all on YouTube. How can libraries use this source? We can put video of our programs on YouTube. What about author lectures? Interviews with Library staff about our services and programs? The Democratic party hosted a national debate on YouTube because they wanted to get in touch with the demographic that uses this site. They are those 18-25 years old that we are trying to reach. They are those computer savvy teenagers who are constantly using the available technology available to them. We as librarians have got to think outside the box and look at unconventional ways to get the word out about ourselves. We have to also learn and be able to utilize these Library 2.0 technologies to our advantage in presenting our message.

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